Thursday, January 4, 2007

Task 19 - Downloadable audiobooks

We all know that some of those big libraries offer downloadable audiobooks for their patrons, and even though we don't offer those yet our patrons can still choose to buy downloadable audiobooks from most online stores. But what happens when they want something new? Can you find free downloadable audiobooks online without being a patron of one of the libraries that offers those as part of their collection? Sure you can.

Podiobooks is a site that offers free audiobook downloads of unpublished books (and one or two in the public domain) in all genres. Fantasy, Mystery, Humour, Drama, and even books for children and young adults!

Another site available is Librivox, which offers free audiobook downloads of books in the public domain. Many of these books are classics, read by volunteers and posted for your enjoyment. Non-fiction, as well as books in languages other than English are also available.

Like Podcasts (in fact, many of these books are available by podcast) you are not required to have an iPod or any other MP3 player to listen to them. All you need is a computer program that will play music.

Your task: Explore the two websites above. I'm not going to require you to download anything, or to write a report on an audiobook you listened to, but just go and see what each site has to offer. You never know when you might need to recommend either of these sites to someone.

1 comment:

Airehead said...

Podiobooks (sp?) was not good, but LibriVox (sp?) actually had some good stuff. Listened to part of Wind in the Willows--where Mr Toad gets another motorcar....